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Employment Law Course

The legal landscape of UK Employment Law changes with unnerving frequency these days. Like ‘quick sand’ case law decisions can make unstable previously held certainties making it difficult for businesses to keep abreast of both the duties and requirements they have to their employees.

One of the difficulties of employment law is that there is often no clear ‘black and white’ answer to the employment law issues surrounding a particular situation – it is more a case of weighing available information and applying the best approach which represents the least risk.

Employees are becoming more aware of their rights and whilst legislation has made it compulsory to exhaust internal dispute procedures tribunal risks remain high.

This course has been designed to provide line managers and HR professionals with practical information on commonly arising situations in business and provide advice on the pragmatic way to deal with these safely and legally. The course also develops skills in making assessments based on available information and interpretation of case law. Also, no employment course would be complete without an outline of the main legislation covering people management and recent developments.

This course can be adapted to your specific needs but would generally cover the following areas:

  • Contract Formation.
  • Employee Rights – General.
  • Employer Duties.
  • Direct and Indirect Discrimination and Victimisation.  
  • Employee Rights – Individual.
  • Equality Legislation.  *
  • Terminating the employment relationship.
  • Discipline and Grievance Procedures.  *

Those elements marked * are covered in this course in headline but we do offer specific courses which cover these elements in full detail. For further details ask about our ‘Equality and Diversity’ and ‘Managing Conduct and Capability’ courses.

Our Approach

Whilst this is a very full day we feel it is important to apply the knowledge of employment law rather than just ‘talk’ it. Therefore we build in activities to develop the application of knowledge of employment law in this highly practical and interactive course.